“Score!!!” While still standing in the dumpster, Jim opened the pizza box so his new buds could all see. “Wow! A whole, perfectly good pizza. I told you Minnesota was the way to go.” Rick smiled with that smug look that made Jim want to pop him. But you don’t go punching the guy who owns the van.
Nathan only meant to lean into the dumpster and take a look. He just wanted to see if Dangerous Dan had given him false information to get rid of him, or might have shown a shred of humanity in guiding him to this spot. He wasn’t really going to eat anything that had been thrown away. Or so he told himself. Once he got the lid thrown back and smelled the pizza within, he lost control. It smelled fresh. Really […]
“How did I get where I am?” Ethan looked up and down the grassy strip separating the WalMart parking lot from the main thoroughfare. He eyed the old bum next to him. “Do you really want to know?”
“So how long have you been spanging?” A grizzled old man with stains on his jeans and shirt that Ethan didn’t want to think about. “Spu… spu…. what?” Ethan didn’t know what to do with his eye. He glanced at the old man, then at the WalMart sign next to them, then at the stream of cars taking the turn out of the WalMart parking lot. “Spanging. You know – asking for spare change. SpareChange. Spange. How long you been […]
Kate was sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in front of her when the text message came from Alisha. ‘You are still in that band?’ “Well, duh,” Kate muttered. You’d think her friend would have been more impressed by the fact she had a boyfriend, or that the flowers were a wedding bouquet. It wasn’t like Alisha hadn’t already heard about the band.
When Kate woke up, the first thing she saw was the bouquet Justin had given her. It sat on her dresser in a cheap, metallic vase that looked like it was supposed to be polished silver but was probably aluminum. Not exactly the optimal thing for a wedding bouquet, but better than the glass of water she’d started with.
No one was home when Bruce slipped into this house though it was already well after curfew. Every room was dark, so probably no one had been home all day. He raided the fridge and took a beer, and a pudding pack then grabbed some chips from the cupboard. It wasn’t much of a meal, but he’d had worse. He settled in front of ht big screen high def brand new wired up the wazoo stereo system and popped the […]
Justin caught the bouquet. As soon as his sister stepped up to the top of the church steps with her miles of fluffy skirts and barracuda smile, he’d tried to sneak around to the back of the building where he’d be safe. No such luck.
“Hey, it’s the detective guy. And Walter. Where you been, Walter? You’re lunch is in the fridge.” Donny smiled, and his words were chipper, but his voice was raspy as he stubbed out a cigarette. Drew couldn’t decide if Walter’s care taker had actually been crying, or if the red eyes and voice had something to do with the smell of pot in the air. Then, thinking about how negligent Donny was in his job, Drew decided he didn’t care.
Gene tried to act cool, but he had to swallow more than once to get the lump of nervous tension down. He sat at the dining room table with a stack of legal papers in front of him and the eyes on him. Mrs. H., her lawyer, and that social worker, Kathy Vargovich, all sat around the table and stared.
Sophie was dead on her feet when she got home. If she hadn’t had Emma to deal with, she’d have gone straight to bed. No doubt Emma would be hungry. Maybe it was time Sophie taught her to cook.
“What is that on your head?” “M-m-mom!” Emma’s mother’s voice came from right behind her, making Emma whirl around. When she saw the tight-lipped expression on her mother’s face, Emma’s hands flew to her mask. She whipped it off. It was already too late to make a difference, but she couldn’t resist hiding her mask behind her back.
Drew was deeply absorbed in his own thoughts as he, Walter, Bruce, Tracy, and Emma walked to Emma’s house. Misgivings dogged his every step. He should just take Walter home, no matter how the man might protest. He could drag everyone back to Suzie’s house, despite how tense her talks with the lawyer made the atmosphere. They could even adjourn to a restaurant, despite the risk that he or Walter could go off the deep end at any minute. Really, […]
“You could have just called. We can talk any time.” Drew tried not to glare at Walter while the kids from Gene’s band stared. Not to mention anyone else on State Street interested in the little knot of people blocking the sidewalk. “That wouldn’t prove anything.” Walk looked smug around the mouth, but worried around the eyes. Drew decided to go with the eyes. He sighed in exasperation and ran his hand over his hair. “So long as you don’t […]
The old man looked gleeful as he muttered something about hiding. Tracy kind of liked him, even if he did act weird. He looked from left to right like some guy in a stupid movie who wanted to hide, then went down State Street in a fast shuffle. “Wait! Did you say Drew?” Tracy started to follow him. “You know Drew?” “Just leave him alone,” Kate grabbed Tracy’s sleeve. “We need to get back to the studio. I’ve got a […]