Categotry Archives: 3WW

Suzie’s House 330 : First Gig

They were together. Emma could hear the difference in the music, and it wasn’t just the practice room. They’d been in the room practicing every day for a couple of weeks now and it didn’t sound new anymore. No, this was different. Everyone knew their part and played it perfect. Emma reveled in it. She felt like she could really let her voice out when the band sounded like this. It wasn’t just her thinking it either. When they finished […]


Suzie’s House 329 : Michelangelo’s Coffee House

Oh no. They found me.


Suzie’s House 328 : Garbage, Paint, and Shoes

Suzie’s mind wandered as she dumped the kitchen garbage into the trash can by the garage. The utility bills shouldn’t be too bad this time. Not like in winter when they could easily hit three hundred a month. Maybe more insulation in the attic would help, but that would require money she didn’t have.


Suzie’s House 327 : Dredgeful. Just Dredgeful

“Dredgeful. It’s just dredgeful,” Tracy said as they headed home. Home to Ben’s house, not to Emma’s. No one said anything about it, they all just kind of went that way. Ben noticed it, but only because he was trying to pay more attention to stuff like that. “Dredgeful?” Bruce grinned at Emma, who kind of smiled back with that smile that always flickered and always faced the ground. “What?” Tracy scowled at Bruce. “Nothing,” Bruce said, and everyone in […]


Suzie’s House 326 : Tracy to the Rescue

It was them! Emma saw them through the front window from the second floor of the abandoned house and shut up right then. She hadn’t done much singing today, but she’d gone to the abandoned house to sing every day since her brother moved back in, and maybe was overdoing it a little. She got up close to the window to see better and held her breath. The last thing she wanted was for them to find her here. Not […]


Suzie’s House 325 : Supposed to be Writing

Ben had just got his three words for the day when Lisa shoved her notebook aside and sighed. He tried not to get irritated with her, but it was like this all morning. It was like she didn’t really want to be writing. “Didn’t you just say you were going to outline?” Ben said. He could have said a lot worse. “All my ideas went away.” All right, so maybe Been could sympathize with that. His ideas turned into nothing […]


Suzie’s House 324 : Inspiration

“I thought Summer Vacation was supposed to be an easygoing time of the year.” Lisa shoved her laptop away, skidding it across Ben’s dining room table. “I’m working harder now than I did when we had school.” “Summer’s never been easygoing for me.” Ben kept on typing. At this rate he’d win the word war hands down, but Lisa told herself she didn’t care. Then he stopped typing. “Last summer Drew abandoned us.”


Suzie’s House 323 : Brother Blunder

It was such a simple mistake. Emma forgot she wasn’t allowed to sing. Not anywhere that her brother might hear, at any rate. She came home from the practice room rental audition feeling like someone special. She imagined herself a diva. Fans would scream and beg for autographs as soon as they saw her. Body guards would surround her and an agent would do everything he could to make her happy just so she would keep on singing.


Suzie’s House 322: Losing a Wad

Elton wasn’t quite sure what to make of the girl. When the kids first turned up in his office he had assumed she was a hangers-on. When everyone else picked up their instruments and she just stood there, he was sure of it. But they said she was the singer. And then Bruce handed her a mask.


Suzie’s House 321 : Like Axel Rose, or Something

If she’d known it was going to happen, Emma would have worn a mask. So obvious; she didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it before. Of course the teacher would recognize her if she showed up and the mystery singer for Malaprop didn’t.


Suzie’s House 320: The Cost of Quiet

When did he become so irrational? Rey nearly talked himself out of his promise to the members of the band called Malaprop. He had enough of sullen teenagers in a normal work day. He didn’t even like taking students during the summer. So why must he associate with them now?


Suzie’s House 319 : Middle School Graduation

“This is all a… a pretense,” Ben leaned over to Lisa and whispered. They weren’t supposed to be sitting next to each other because there were half a dozen people with last names between Hammaker and Johansen, but no one seemed to care. It wasn’t like assigned seating or anything. Maybe that was why Lisa kind of felt like Ben was right. “Shhh,” she said anyway. “At least pretend you’re listening.”


Suzie’s House 318 : Shut Up, Stephanie

No doubt she wouldn’t have said it if she’d know Bruce was standing right behind her. Then again, she knew his locker was next to hers. How could she not notice him? It wasn’t like Bruce tried to hide. He hated being ignored. “I can’t believe the got first place? I mean, all they did was play a song. Could you even tell if they have any talent? It’s not like my baton twirling.” “Shut up, Stephanie,” the girl’s friend […]


Suzie’s House 317 : Mr. Ungar’s Offer

Technically speaking, Reymond Ungar didn’t have any duties right that moment. At least nothing had been said. But as a teacher in the gym when school talent show ended would normally be expected to monitor, wouldn’t he?


Suzie’s House 316 : The Highlight of Emma’s Life

Emma could feel the excitement in the air right from the first notes of Bitter Harvest. It was like a balloon hanging all flaccid one minute and ready to pop the nest. She stood at the back of the gym, watching her band mates play and feeling pretty full of herself, thanks to the lacy black mask Bruce had given her, like she was the phantom of the opera or something. She waited patiently through the intro, and was totally […]
