Author Archives: aliceaudrey

Suzie’s House 117: The Real Reason

Drew and Vin ended up turning Joseph O’Connor over to the local police. Shooting Vin wasn’t considered national is scope. While they discussed it with the men in uniform, Miranda stood by the couch where Mike and Mike sat, still cuffed, trapped in their own apartment.


T13: 13 Questions

As I compose this list I am on pain meds for a bad back. So these are probably all very stupid questions. Still, I want to know. 1. Do you ever snore so loud you wake yourself up? 2. What do you do when you have more furniture than floor space? 3. Do you get weird aches and pains? 4. If so, what do you do about them? 5. Have you ever gone to the hospital and they found nothing […]


By George! It's the Tale of an Unwanted Duke

George IV’s daughter, Charlotte, suffered horribly from her father’s mismanagement. He tried to stiff arm her into marriage with an unattractive lout. She finally married the man of her dreams only to die in child birth. And where did this leave England? And now dear readers, I find myself having to backtrack a bit. My sincerest apologies, but I goofed. There actually were some dukes who married before Charlotte, and one princess. Had Charlotte lived, these marriages would have been […]


I Want a Daihatsu

They don’t sell Daihatsu in the USA, but it’s owned by Toyota, so maybe I can get my hands on one. If I could see one up close and personal, I might change my mind, but for now, I’m drooling. Are you wondering what the appeal is? Right now I’m driving a big, honking gas guzzler. We’re talking 15 mph with a tail wind. We’re talking seats 10 if we put all the seats back in. Parking is a pain, […]


Wooden Car

Wooden ships on the water… I mean cars. Wooden cars on the water.


Quick Apple Cobbler

This one is a handy way of using up apple sauce when I have too much left over from something else. It’s a very forgiving recipe. 4 Tbs. butter 2/3 c  brown sugar 1 c  apple sauce 1 Tbs cinnamon sugar 2 1/2 c   Quick Mix 1 c  milk Cut the butter into the brown sugar until evenly combined. Set aside. Mix the cinnamon sugar into the apple sauce. I generally make my cinnamon sugar with a tablespoon to each […]



Jill: I’m telling you, I’m not walking anymore. We need a car. Jack: Now, Darling. Jill: Don’t you “Now Darling” me. You aren’t the one who fell into a mud puddle. And right up over my head, too. Jack: Now, Dar… um, Honey. I told you about the stepping stones. Jill: The point is, we need a car. Jack: I know just the one. Jill: You have got to be kidding. Jack: What’s wrong with it? It’s a classic. Jill: […]


Suzie’s House 116: Miranda Has Her Say

“Drew! Arrest this guy!” Miranda jabbed her finger at Mike. To think the jerk was harboring a known criminal and had the nerve to look down on her for having a few late fees at the video store where he worked! “On what grounds?” Mike puffed up as he said it, clearly thinking he was in the right. He might have been because Drew’s expression said pretty much the same thing. Didn’t matter. This was Miranda’s chance at a little […]



55 words. The last story Alice wrote was very short, only 23,000 words. The one before; 105,000. She nibbled the end of her quill, considering. Global warming? The economy? True love? What could she possibly write that would be exactly and only 55 words? She set the quill to paper. One. Two. Three. Four. Five… Click on picture to go to hub.


T13: 13 Telephone Poles

Seems like every time I want to take a scenic picture there’s a telephone poles in the way. Well, fine then. I’ll take pictures of telephone poles. These have all the fun comments in pop ups. Hover over the pictures and hopefully you will see words. In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here And here. […]


By George! The Prince Has Sisters?

George the Fourth’s daughter, Princess Charlotte, died in childbirth not long after he ditched is wife, Princess Caroline. Now the Regent has no heir and no wife. We return for another installment of Mr. Al’s take on the life and times of George IV. As distraught as the Prince Regent was over Charlotte’s death, there were many who believed him partly responsible. Or ,at least, not being as deeply affected as he claimed to be. As the grief of Charlotte’s […]


By George! will be late this week.

Mr. Al forgot to write it until Tuesday, which is cutting it a little too close for me since he wasn’t done when I went to bed.


Mercury Retrograde

This post isn’t really about Mercury Retrograde. It isn’t even about my blasted keyboard. It’s about stupidity. I’m not really into astrology. I looked into it a couple of times, but never really clicked with it. So I don’t read my horoscope or anything like that. But after a particularly vicious trip which took place during a Mercury Retrograde, I’ve had a healthy respect for the effect. It comes down to this. During Mercury Retrograde – which is when Mercury […]


Wh6 2new+\+

Wh6 2new a 1,tt1e y41ce w643d be s6 bad Who knew a little juice would be so bad? Update (5/11/09 7:53am) I lost the keyboard function on BOTH of my computers yesterday. Could you tell? If I haven’t been by to visit you lately, it probably means I lost track of you. Let me know and I’ll come today. Gawd willing.


Quick Mix – Cuisenart Version

This is a mix that works a lot like Bisquick. Only without preservatives. You can follow the original recipe here. a lot of flour (see directions) 1/3 c baking powder 1/4 c sugar 4 tsp salt 2 c shortening in 2/3 c portions three times Measure out one cup of flour in a measuring cup that will hold more than two cups. Add remainder of dry ingredients. Mix well. Add enough flour to bring the total measure up to two […]
